Congo, My Precious. Quiz

28 December 2020 20:00
Test your knowledge of the Congo and its bloody history. RTD’s film Congo My Precious will fill you in on this former Belgian colony’s dark chronicle. You can watch it for free on our site!
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  • 1 of 7
    What is the primary source of income in Congo?
    • Tea and coffee
      Incorrect! It’s rich in minerals, such as gold and industrial diamonds
    • Rich minerals
      Correct! Many different types of rich minerals, such as gold and industrial diamonds have been discovered in Congo throughout its history
    • Wood
      Incorrect! Wood is a source of income, but not nearly the main one
  • 2 of 7
    What happens to rich minerals in Congo?
    • They are mined and most of them exported
      Correct! Congo’s primary source of income is exported, leaving Congo in a financially desperate state
    • They are not mined
      Incorrect! They are!
    • They have only now been discovered
      Incorrect! A lot of rich minerals were found a long time ago
  • 3 of 7
    Who occupies some of the mines in Congo?
    • Colonist descendants
    • Different countries through annexation
      Incorrect! There are no annexed mines in Congo
    • Various militias
      Correct! These militias occupy some of the mines in Congo and live off them
  • 4 of 7
    What is the SOMINKI?
    • A worker’s union
      Incorrect! It was a national mining company
    • A private security company
      Incorrect! It was a national mining company
    • A mining company
      Correct! It was a national mining company created due to nine companies merging. Banro Corporation later bought it in 1996.
  • 5 of 7
    How much of the world’s coltan production comes from Congo?
    • About 65%
      Correct! Coltan is used in cellphones, laptops and nuclear reactors.
    • None
    • About 35%
      Incorrect! 65% of the world’s coltan is from Congo.
  • 6 of 7
    For what purpose was Congo’s uranium used?
    • For no particular purpose
      Incorrect! Uranium from Congo was used to make bombs.
    • To create bombs
      Correct! Uranium from Congo was used to make bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    • It was only recently discovered
      Incorrect! It was found in Congo in 1905.
  • 7 of 7
    How many people were killed during the Rwandan genocide of 1994?
    • More than 2 million
      Incorrect! The death toll was between 500,000 and 800,000 people.
    • Up to 800,000
      Correct! Experts estimate the death toll to be between 500,000 and 800,000 people.
    • Around 100,000
      Incorrect! It’s between 500,000 and 800,000 people.
  • / 7

    Well, it’s a start, but you should refresh your knowledge by watching our film Congo, My Precious if you want to do better.

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  • / 7

    Impressive! Perhaps, watching the film Congo, My Precious again will help you fill the gaps.

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  • / 7

    Wow! Good job on the quiz! Be sure to check out our other films. We’re confident you’ll find something interesting!

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