Adopting A New Life Series
Doing tourist things in Uglich - Adopting a new life Ep.13
Mousing around in Myshkin - Adopting a new life Ep.14
It’s fun sailing home - Adopting a new life Ep.15
Back to school - Adopting a new life Ep.16
It’s all done with mirrors and bubbles - Adopting a new life Ep.17
The inspectors call - Adopting a new life Ep.18
Questions, Questions, Questions - Adopting a new life Ep.19
A weekend of fun getting dirty - Adopting a new life Ep.20
Say ‘Cheese’ everyone! - Adopting a new life Ep.21
A birthday to remember - Adopting a new life Ep.22
A New Year getaway to see Father Frost - Adopting a new life Ep.23
Finding Father Frost - Adopting a new life Ep.24
Mousing around in Myshkin - Adopting a new life Ep.14
There are mice everywhere in Myshkin; a pair even welcomes the family as they walk off the boat. The mice theme runs through the town, with all the attractions and museums having at least a couple of people in giant mice costumes to greet visitors. The guide keeps the kids enthralled explaining the traditions and history of the town. After the tour everyone is ready for an early night.
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Published: 17 June 2013 00:00