Adopting A New Life Series
Doing tourist things in Uglich - Adopting a new life Ep.13
Mousing around in Myshkin - Adopting a new life Ep.14
It’s fun sailing home - Adopting a new life Ep.15
Back to school - Adopting a new life Ep.16
It’s all done with mirrors and bubbles - Adopting a new life Ep.17
The inspectors call - Adopting a new life Ep.18
Questions, Questions, Questions - Adopting a new life Ep.19
A weekend of fun getting dirty - Adopting a new life Ep.20
Say ‘Cheese’ everyone! - Adopting a new life Ep.21
A birthday to remember - Adopting a new life Ep.22
A New Year getaway to see Father Frost - Adopting a new life Ep.23
Finding Father Frost - Adopting a new life Ep.24
It’s all done with mirrors and bubbles - Adopting a new life Ep.17
To give Masha a break Stas takes the children to the Experimentarium museum – when he can find it that is. Once inside the kids get to touch and play with all kinds of scientific experiments. They have trouble getting their minds around the mirrors, but are enchanted by the bubbles. Unfortunately, stargazing at the planetarium is not such a hit.
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Published: 17 June 2013 00:00