Cirque de Kabul
Afghan children find hope & the joy of childhood in a circus school
It’s not easy to be a kid in Afghanistan, where poverty and constant fear have long become part of everyday life. But a project called the Mobile Mini Circus for Children (MMCC) shows Afghan boys and girls a different Afghanistan. At MMCC, they can feel safe and find joy in learning circus arts and skills.

The Mobile Mini Circus for Children is a different Afghanistan, where kids aren't told what to do and what to think by grown-ups, says project co-director Berit Mulhausen.
Students don't just master skills in acrobatics, juggling or clowning, they also develop trust and find hope, according to the project’s founders. RTD travels to Kabul for an inside look at this extraordinary project.
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Published: 21 March 2019 17:56
View: 4191