When mum comes to the rescue - Newborn Russia (E20)

Darima is looking forward to giving birth but as it will be her first time, she is blissfully unaware of how hard it can be. Nevertheless, she still thinks she’d like some support in the delivery room and asks her mother to be with her for the birth. Reluctantly, the mother agrees and proves an invaluable helper, she has both experience and seems to be a naturally gifted psychologist.

Darima’s neighbour in the maternity hospital is Albina, who is expecting her second daughter. Because she remembers her first childbirth, she’s much more nervous than Darima. Sadly, Albina will have no one to lean on during her labour, her husband has to stay home to look after their first daughter. Darima offers a brilliant solution, if they could synchronise their birthing, Darima’s mother could attend to them both!

Another concern for Albina is that she suffered postnatal depression after her first child and didn’t feel ready for another child quite so soon. Over the course of her pregnancy though she’s come to terms with how things are and feels much more positive about becoming a second-time mother.

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