Newborn Russia
Never Enough - Newborn Russia (E13)
Vacuum extraction & vertical birth - Newborn Russia (E14)
Snowboard mom and a baby who can’t wait to be born - Newborn Russia (E15)
Trying to avoid a repeat of a traumatic first labour - Newborn Russia (E16)
A baby is for life - Newborn Russia (E17)
The best-laid plans - Newborn Russia (E18)
A fourth trip to the maternity ward for a 38-year-old mother - Newborn Russia (E19)
When mum comes to the rescue - Newborn Russia (E20)
A husband’s invaluable support - Newborn Russia (E21)
Second Time Around - Newborn Russia (E22)
Firstborn for internet dating soulmates - Newborn Russia (E23)
Urgent C-section to save the lives of mother and child - Newborn Russia (E24)
Second Time Around - Newborn Russia (E22)
As Elena awaits her second child she is worried about consenting to a c-section. After talking with the doctors and husband Aleksandr, her fears are allayed, just in time before she needs an emergency procedure. Different concerns for another Elena who’s worried about a long labour, her first child took twelve hours, and she wants the second to be quicker and less painful.
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Published: 21 April 2014 00:00