Newborn Russia
It Doesn’t Have To Be Painful - Newborn Russia (E25)
Twin Surprise & a family of high flyers - Newborn Russia (E26)
Older Mothers - Newborn Russia (E27)
Mother Love - Newborn Russia (E28)
Coming To Term - Newborn Russia (E29)
First babies - Newborn Russia (E30)
And Dad Too - Newborn Russia (Episode 31)
Little sisters for big brothers - Newborn Russia (E32)
The Pressure - Newborn Russia (E33)
It’s A Boy - Newborn Russia (E34)
An Anxious Time - Newborn Russia (E35)
Giving Birth Is Easy - Newborn Russia (E36)
First babies - Newborn Russia (E30)
Even though Sia from Sierra Leone is 34, this is her first baby. All seems to be going well until she goes into labour and the doctors have to perform an emergency C-section. They find problems, left by previous miscarriages, that could have killed the baby. Lorena thinks she’s tough but eventually gives in and agrees to an epidural as the pain of childbirth gets too much.
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Published: 05 May 2016 00:00